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Developing the library

This article deals about developing the library.

Editor library

The lib directory only contains the jEditor.jar jar file, which is used for showing errors in the context of script files, and debugging.

Script libraries

The scriptslib directory contains the jar files for the libraries used for the Groovy, Javascript, Python and Ruby scripting languages:
Language Library
Groovy Groovy
Ruby JRuby
Javascript Rhino
Python Jython[1]
Note that it is important to doxnload the standalone version of Jython, else you will not be able to execute Python scripts. See ImportError: Cannot import site module and its dependencies: No module named site for more information

Downloading the script libraries

The jar files for the script libraries are not in the repository. You have to download them using the ant build file. The associated targets are:
  • download all libs to download all the script libraries
  • delete all libs to delete all the downloaded script libraries

It is also possible to download or delete each library separately:
  • download jruby and delete-ruby-lib for the JRuby library
  • download groovy and delete-groovy-lib for the Groovy library
  • download rhino and delete-rhino-lib for the Rhino library
  • download jython and delete-python-lib for the Jython library

The versions for the script libraries to download are specified at the beginning of the ant file:
  • jythonVersion for the Jython library
  • rhinoVersion for the Rhino library
  • groovyVersion for the Groovy library
  • jrubyVersion for the JRuby library

Note that after downloading new versions of the libraries, you will have to:
  • Modify the project dependencies to point to the correct versions of these libraries
  • Modify the manifest files for the scripts libraries


  1. ^ Note that it is important to doxnload the standalone version of Jython, else you will not be able to execute Python scripts. See ImportError: Cannot import site module and its dependencies: No module named site for more information

See also

Categories: dev

Copyright 2019-2020 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD licence