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The library is distributed with several zip files:

Core distribution

The scriptHelper-bin-<version>.jar zip file contains the core distribution for the library. This zip file only contains:
  • scriptHelper.jar: core jar file containing all the classes of the library
  • scriptHelperSwing.jar: A helper library used for additional Swing helpers for the logging and exceptions handling
Note that the core library has no dependencies. However you must be aware that the core distribution does not contain any language implementation.


Groovy language implementation

The scriptHelper-Groovy-<version>.jar zip file contains the Groovy language implementation. This zip file contains:
  • scriptHelperGroovy.jar: Groovy classes for the script helper library
  • The Groovy library

Ruby language implementation

The scriptHelper-Ruby-<version>.jar zip file contains the Ruby language implementation. This zip file contains:
  • scriptHelperRuby.jar: Ruby classes for the script helper library
  • The JRuby library

Javascript language implementation

The scriptHelper-Javascript-<version>.jar zip file contains the Javascript language implementation. This zip file contains:
  • scriptHelperJS.jar: Javascript classes for the script helper library
  • The Rhino library

Python language implementation

The scriptHelper-Python-<version>.jar zip file contains the Python language implementation. This zip file contains:
  • scriptHelperPython.jar: Python classes for the script helper library
  • The Jython library

Categories: general

Copyright 2019-2020 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD licence