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The LinkIndexConverter is an interface used in ScriptLogger, in the context of the hyperlinks.

It which allows to convert an Object to or from a link description.


The LinkIndexConverter has only two methods:

For example, suppose the following class which specifies an element with a namespace and a name:
      public class TreeElement {
         public final String namespace;
         public final String name;

         public TreeElement(String namespace, String name) {
           this.namespace = namespace;
           this.name = name;

         public String toString() {
           return namespace + ":" + name;

         public int hashCode() {
           int hash = 7;
           hash = 79 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.namespace);
           hash = 79 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.name);
           return hash;

         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
           if (this == obj) {
             return true;
           if (obj == null) {
             return false;
           if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
             return false;
           final TreeElement other = (TreeElement) obj;
           return true;
The following code will allow to create a link description from a TreeElement and a TreeElement from a link description:
      public class MyLinkIndexConverter implements LinkIndexConverter {
         public String getLinkFromObject(TreeElement element) {
           return element.namespace + "$" + element.name;

         public TreeElement getObjectFromLink(String linkID) {
           int index = linkID.indexOf("$");
           if (index != -1) {
             String namespace = linkID.substring(0, index);
             String name = linkID.substring(index + 1);
             TreeElement key = new TreeElement(namespace, name);
             if (elements.containsKey(key)) {
               return elements.get(key);
             } else {
               return null;
           } else {
             return null;

Registering the converter

To register the LinkIndexConverter, you must use the ScriptLogger.registerLinkIndexConverter(LinkIndexConverter) method.

For example:
      GroovyScriptWrapper<Script> wrapper = new GroovyScriptWrapper<Script>() {
      LinkIndexConverter converter = new MyLinkIndexConverter();
      ScriptLogger logger = new DefaultSwingScriptLogger();

Api usage

The converter is used in the following methods which allow to show hyperlinks using HyperlinkElements:
If the LinkIndexConverter has not been able to convert the Object to a link ID (the returned result is null), then by default an error message will be shown. It is possible to append a regular text without an hyperlink instead by setting the ScriptLogger.acceptNullObjectLinks(boolean) method.

See also

Categories: api

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