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This article present possible problems and their solution.

Basic usage

I create a wrapper each time I want to use a script, don't you think that it is a bit complex?

Good news is you don't need to, see basic usage.

Do I need to call the init method with my own ScriptContext, and I have an exception

Do you don't, the framework will do it for you.


I have an incompatible class version exception when I use my Groovy script

The Groovy library supports up to Java 23. If you are using a version of Java greater than Java 23, you will encounter these problems.


I have an exception when I use my Javascript script, some objects are not found

It is possible that you are using the script in a Swing or JavaFX Thread, but that you created the wrapper in another Thread, which can lead to problems with Rhino. See managing the Javascript context for how to solve this problem.


I try to debug a Ruby / Python / Javascript script, but it does not work

For the moment, only Groovy scripts can be debugged

My script calls another one, but the debugger does not step into the second script

For the moment, the debugger only instrument the initial calling script.

However you can perform that in a limited way by using children sessions.

I used the SwingDebugScriptWindow but I still have bubbling exceptions if the script is not compilable

You might have installed the script before calling initializeDebugSession(). See Debug session

Categories: general

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