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abort(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptContext
Abort the current script.
abort(String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptContext
Abort the current script.
aborted(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.DefaultExceptionListener
Fired when an abort is encountered.
aborted(String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptExceptionListener
Fired when an abort is encountered.
aborted(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Fired when an abort is encountered.
aborted(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.SwingExceptionListener
abortScript() - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptProxy
Abort the script.
AbortScriptException - Exception in org.scripthelper.exceptions
This excpetion is used to abort a Script.
AbortScriptException(String) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbortScriptException
AbstractAryExpression - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
An abstract Ary expression.
AbstractAryExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractAryExpression
AbstractAryNumericExpression - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
An abstract Ary numeric expression.
AbstractAryNumericExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractAryNumericExpression
AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper<S> - Class in org.scripthelper.model
An abstract debugging sxript xrapper implementation.
AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper
AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper(DebuggingWrapper<?>) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper
AbstractDebugInstrumentor<S> - Class in org.scripthelper.debug
An abstract instrumentor for the debugger.
AbstractDebugInstrumentor() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.AbstractDebugInstrumentor
AbstractDebugInstrumentor.StepProperties - Class in org.scripthelper.debug
The properties for a Step.
AbstractExpression - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
An abstract expression contains eval() methods which cefault to Expression.eval().
AbstractExpression() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractExpression
AbstractExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractExpression
AbstractGroovyState - Class in org.scripthelper.groovy.debug.parser
An abstract Groovy state, containing several useful Patterns.
AbstractGroovyState() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.groovy.debug.parser.AbstractGroovyState
AbstractJSScriptable - Class in org.scripthelper.js
A class allowing to define built-in function properties which can be called in the Javascript script.
AbstractJSScriptable() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.js.AbstractJSScriptable
AbstractMethodProxy<S,R> - Class in org.scripthelper.model
The ScriptWrapper class.
AbstractMethodProxy(ScriptWrapper<S>) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractMethodProxy
AbstractParent - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.model
An abstract parent.
AbstractParent(int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
AbstractScriptableExecutor - Class in org.scripthelper.js
An abstract implementation of a ScriptableExecutor.
AbstractScriptableExecutor() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.js.AbstractScriptableExecutor
AbstractScriptException<S> - Class in org.scripthelper.exceptions
This interface wraps an exception fired by the Scripting engine.
AbstractScriptException(ScriptWrapper<S>, short, Throwable, String, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptException
AbstractScriptExceptionListener - Class in org.scripthelper.exceptions
An abstract ScriptExceptionListener.
AbstractScriptExceptionListener() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptExceptionListener
AbstractScriptMethodProxy<S,R> - Class in org.scripthelper.model
The ScriptWrapper class.
AbstractScriptMethodProxy(ScriptWrapper<S>) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptMethodProxy
AbstractScriptWrapper<S> - Class in org.scripthelper.model
The ScriptWrapper class.
AbstractScriptWrapper() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
AbstractSwingScriptLogger - Class in org.scripthelper.swing
Presents a scrollable logging text area for Script messages.
AbstractSwingScriptLogger() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
AbstractSwingScriptLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
AbstractSwingScriptLogger(boolean) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
AbstractSwingScriptLogger(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
AbstractTreeTableModel - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable
An abstract implementation of the TreeTableModel interface, handling the list of listeners.
AbstractTreeTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
AbstractUnaryExpression - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
An abstract unary expression.
AbstractUnaryExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractUnaryExpression
AbstractUnaryNumericExpression - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
An abstract unary numeric expression.
AbstractUnaryNumericExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractUnaryNumericExpression
AbstractValue - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
An abstract value, used for Constants and variables.
AbstractValue() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractValue
AbstractValue(Expression) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractValue
AbstractVoidScriptMethodProxy<S> - Class in org.scripthelper.model
The ScriptWrapper class used for a void method.
AbstractVoidScriptMethodProxy(ScriptWrapper<S>) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractVoidScriptMethodProxy
acceptNullObjectLinks(boolean) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Specifies if the logger must accept objects which generate null links from LinkIndexConverter.getLinkFromObject(java.lang.Object).
acceptNullObjectLinks(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Specifies if the logger must accept objects which generate null links from LinkIndexConverter.getLinkFromObject(java.lang.Object).
acceptNullObjectLinks(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Specifies if the logger must accept objects which generate null links from LinkIndexConverter.getLinkFromObject(java.lang.Object).
ADD - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.EquationParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
addAdditionalHelper(String, Object) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Add an additional helper instance which will be usable in the script.
addAdditionalHelper(String, Object) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Add an additional helper instance which will be usable in the script.
addBlock(Block) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Add a block.
addBlock(Block) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Add a block.
addBreakpoint(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Add a breakpoint for a line number, or change the breakpoint to a step.
addBreakpoint(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Add a breakpoint for a line number, or change the breakpoint to a step.
addChild(VarNode) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.nodes.VarNode
addComment(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Add a comment.
addComment(int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Add a comment.
addContent(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptContent
Add an content line.
addDebugSession(DebugSession<?>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.DebugListener
Add a debug session.
addDebugSession(DebugSession<?>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DefaultDebugListener
Add a debug session.
addDebugSession(DebugSession<?>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Set the debug session.
addDeclaration(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptContent
Add an declaration line.
addEscapes(String) - Static method in error org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their escaped (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
addExceptionListener(ScriptExceptionListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Set the listener which will be fired for script exceptions.
addExceptionListener(ScriptExceptionListener) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Add a listener which will be fired for script exceptions.
addExceptionListener(ScriptExceptionListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Add a listener which will be fired for script exceptions.
addExternalFunction(CachedMethodKey, String, ScriptWrapper) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.AbstractJSScriptable
Add an external function.
addExternalFunction(CachedMethodKey, String, ScriptWrapper) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.js.JSScriptable
Add an external function.
addField(Var) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.SourceModel
Add a field.
addImport(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptContent
Add an import line.
addImports(Set<String>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Add additional custom import declarations for the scripts.
addImports(String...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Add additional custom import declarations for the scripts.
addImports(Class<?>...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Add additional custom import declarations for the scripts.
addImports(Class<?>...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Set additional custom import declarations for the scripts.
addImports(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Add additional custom import declarations for the scripts.
addImports(String...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Add additional custom import declarations for the scripts.
addImports(Set<String>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Do nothing.
addImports(String...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Do nothing.
addImports(Class<?>...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Do nothing.
additionalHelpers - Variable in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
The additional helpers for the scripts.
addListener(ScriptProxyListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptProxy
Add a ScriptProxyListener.
addMethod(Method) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.SourceModel
Add a method.
addMethodArguments(Method, String, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.groovy.debug.parser.AbstractGroovyState
Add the list of arguments for a Method.
addProperty(String, String, short) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter
Add a property to Edit.
addProperty(String, String, short, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter
Add a property to Edit, with an additional String parameter.
addProperty(String, String, short, List<String>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter
Add a property to Edit, with an additional String parameter list.
addProperty(String, String, short, String...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter
Add a property to Edit, with an additional String parameter array.
addProperty(String, String, short, Number, Number, Number) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter
Add a property to Edit, with an additional String parameter list.
addPropertyEditor(JPanel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog
addPropertyEditor(JPanel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog.BooleanProperty
addPropertyEditor(JPanel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog.EnumProperty
addPropertyEditor(JPanel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog.FloatProperty
addPropertyEditor(JPanel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog.IntProperty
addPropertyEditor(JPanel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog.StringProperty
addScriptWrapper(ScriptWrapper<?>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Add a script wrapper to the list of scripts to use.
addSentence(Sentence) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Add a sentence.
addSentence(Sentence) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Add a sentence.
addStep(Step) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Add a step.
addStepInstruction(Parent, int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.DebugInstrumentor
Add a step instruction.
addStepInstruction(Sentence, int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.DebugInstrumentor
Add a step instruction.
addStepInstruction(Sentence, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.groovy.debug.GroovyDebugInstrumentor
Add a step instruction.
addStepInstruction(Parent, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.groovy.debug.GroovyDebugInstrumentor
Add a step instruction.
addSyntaxPack(URL) - Static method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ErrorScriptWindow
Add a syntax pack for the code highlighhting.
addToStrackTrace(int, String, StackTraceElement) - Method in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptException
Add a StackTraceElement to the StackTrace
addTreeExpansionListener(TreeExpansionListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.JTreeTable
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
addVar(Var) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Add a variable declaration.
addVar(Var) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Add a variable declaration.
addVariable(Variable) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.ParsedEquation
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Static method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
AND - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.EquationParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
append(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptLogger
Append a line of text in the message area, with a default color.
append(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptLogger
Append a line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
append(String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a line of text, with a default color.
append(String, String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a line of text, with a specific color.
append(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a line of text in the message area, with a default color.
append(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
append(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a line of text in the message area, with a default color.
append(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendArrayLinks(String, String...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendArrayLinks(String, String...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendColorArrayLinks(String, String, String...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendColorArrayLinks(String, String, String...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendError(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptLogger
Append a line of text in the message area, colored in red (for errors).
appendError(String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append an error.
appendError(Throwable) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append an error.
appendError(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a line of text in the message area, colored in red (for errors).
appendError(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a line of text in the message area, colored in red (for errors).
appendLink(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendLink(String, String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendLink(String, String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendLink(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendLink(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendLink(String, String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendLink(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendLink(String, String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendLink(String, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ScriptErrorLoggerArea
appendLinks(String, List<String>, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendLinks(String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendLinks(String, List<String>, String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendLinks(String, List<String>, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendLinks(String, List<String>, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLink(HyperlinkElement) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendObjectLink(HyperlinkElement, String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendObjectLink(HyperlinkElement) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendObjectLink(HyperlinkElement, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendObjectLink(HyperlinkElement) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendObjectLink(HyperlinkElement, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specific color.
appendObjectLinks(String, List<HyperlinkElement>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendObjectLinks(String, HyperlinkElement...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a default color.
appendObjectLinks(String, List<HyperlinkElement>, String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLinks(String, String, HyperlinkElement...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLinks(String, HyperlinkElement...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLinks(String, String, HyperlinkElement...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLinks(String, List<HyperlinkElement>, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLinks(String, String, HyperlinkElement...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendObjectLinks(String, List<HyperlinkElement>, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Append a hyperlinked line of text in the message area, with a specified color.
appendStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Append a StackTrace.
appendText(String, String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
Append a text to the area, with a specific html Color.
appendText(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
Append a text to the area, whith a default Color.
area - Variable in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
The area.
area - Variable in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
The area.
AryExpression - Interface in org.scripthelper.debug.expr
Represent an expression with two predicates, as for example AND.
askForBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.DefaultSwingScriptHelper
Ask the user for a boolean property to set.
askForEnumProperty(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.DefaultSwingScriptHelper
Ask the user for a boolean property to set.
askForFloatProperty(String, float, float, float) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.DefaultSwingScriptHelper
Ask the user for a float property to set.
askForIntProperty(String, int, int, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.DefaultSwingScriptHelper
Ask the user for an int property to set.
askForNotNullProperty(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.DefaultSwingScriptHelper
Ask the user for a property to set, making sure that the result is never null even if the user cancel the dialog.
askForProperties() - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter
Show the dialog with the values editors.
askForProperty(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.DefaultSwingScriptHelper
Ask the user for a String property to set.
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