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script - Variable in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptException
The script wrapper.
script - Variable in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractMethodProxy
The script.
ScriptableExecutor - Interface in org.scripthelper.js
This class has the responsibility of executing the Javascript methods.
ScriptCompilationException - Exception in org.scripthelper.exceptions
Represents any script runtime exception.
ScriptCompilationException() - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptCompilationException
ScriptCompilationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptCompilationException
ScriptCompilationException(ScriptException<?>) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptCompilationException
ScriptCompilationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptCompilationException
scriptContent - Variable in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
The script text content.
ScriptContent - Class in org.scripthelper.model
The script content created during the script parsing.
ScriptContent() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptContent
ScriptContext - Interface in org.scripthelper.context
The script context.
ScriptErrorLoggerArea - Class in org.scripthelper.swing
The script error logger area, showing the exceptions StackTrace.
ScriptErrorLoggerArea(JEditor) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.ScriptErrorLoggerArea
ScriptException<S> - Interface in org.scripthelper.exceptions
This interface wraps an exception fired by the Scripting engine.
ScriptExceptionListener - Interface in org.scripthelper.exceptions
Fired when the first exception is encountered while executing a script.
ScriptHelper - Interface in org.scripthelper.context
The script helper.
scriptLines - Variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.AbstractDebugInstrumentor
ScriptLogger - Interface in org.scripthelper.context
The Script logger interface.
ScriptLoggerHyperLinkListener<T> - Interface in org.scripthelper.context
This interface is used for listeners which are fired when hyperlinks in the logger are visited.
ScriptMethodInvoker - Interface in org.scripthelper.model
This interface denotes script wrappers which allow to invoke directly methods without having to limit to the Script interface.
ScriptMethodProxy<S,R> - Interface in org.scripthelper.model
The ScriptWrapper class.
ScriptPropertyDialog<T> - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.script
A Dialog allowing to enter a property.
ScriptPropertyDialog(String) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog
ScriptPropertyDialog.BooleanProperty - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.script
ScriptPropertyDialog.EnumProperty - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.script
ScriptPropertyDialog.FloatProperty - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.script
ScriptPropertyDialog.IntProperty - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.script
ScriptPropertyDialog.StringProperty - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.script
ScriptProxy<S> - Class in org.scripthelper.model
A ScriptProxy allows to see a script as a Java interface.
ScriptProxy(ScriptWrapper<S>) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptProxy
ScriptProxy(ScriptWrapper<S>, S) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptProxy
ScriptProxyListener - Interface in org.scripthelper.model
This listener is fired after a ScriptProxy has finished its execution.
ScriptRuntimeException - Exception in org.scripthelper.exceptions
Represents any script runtime exception.
ScriptRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptRuntimeException
ScriptRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptRuntimeException
ScriptRuntimeException(ScriptException<?>) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptRuntimeException
ScriptRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptRuntimeException
ScriptSource - Class in org.scripthelper.model
Represents a script source, which can be a string content or a file.
ScriptSource(URL) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptSource
ScriptSource(File) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptSource
ScriptSource(String) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptSource
ScriptSource(String, String) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptSource
ScriptWrapper<S> - Interface in org.scripthelper.model
The ScriptWrapper class.
ScriptWrapperCombiner - Class in org.scripthelper.model
A Script wrapper which can represent several script wrappers depending on the script file.
ScriptWrapperCombiner() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
SEARCH_KEY - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.swing.SwingScriptLogger
The key for the Search button.
Sentence - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.model
Represents a sentence.
sentences - Variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
The sentences.
session - Variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.AbstractDebugInstrumentor
The debug session.
session - Variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugClient
session - Variable in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper
The debug session.
SessionHook<S> - Interface in org.scripthelper.debug
The SessionHook is notified when the script is started.
setArguments(Map<Integer, Var>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.Breakpoint
Set the step arguments.
setArguments(Map<Integer, Var>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.Step
Set the step arguments.
setAutoCacheInvocableMethods(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.groovy.GroovyScriptWrapper
Set if a cache of invocable methods will be created each time the wrapper installs a new script.
setAutoCacheInvocableMethods(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.JSScriptWrapper
Set if a cache of invocable methods will be created each time the wrapper installs a new script.
setAutoCacheInvocableMethods(boolean) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptMethodInvoker
Set if a cache of invocable methods will be created each time the wrapper installs a new script.
setAutoCacheInvocableMethods(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.python.PythonScriptWrapper
Set if a cache of invocable methods will be created each time the wrapper installs a new script.
setAutoCacheInvocableMethods(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.ruby.RubyScriptWrapper
Set if a cache of invocable methods will be created each time the wrapper installs a new script.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.JTreeTable
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Set the ClassLoader.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Set the ClassLoader.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Set the ClassLoader.
setCompilerIsStrict(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.JSScriptWrapper
Set if the compiler must be strict about interface methods implementations.
setContext(ScriptContext) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.AbstractJSScriptable
Set the context of the script wrapper.
setContext(ScriptContext) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.js.JSScriptable
Set the context of the script wrapper.
setDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Set the debug listener.
setDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractDebuggingScriptWrapper
Set the debug listener.
setDebugListener(DebugListener) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.DebuggingWrapper
Set the debug listener.
setDebugSourceModel(DebugSourceModel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Set the debug source model.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.EquationParserTokenManager
Set debug output.
setDefaultCloseOperation(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.SwingExceptionListener
Set the operation that will happen by default when the user initiates a "close" on the error window.
setDefinedClasses(Class<?>...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.AbstractJSScriptable
Set an array of classes to be defined in the context of the wrapper.
setDefinedClasses(Class<?>...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.js.JSScriptable
Set an array of classes to be defined in the contxt of the wrapper.
setErrorWindowListener(ErrorWindowListener) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ErrorScriptWindow
Set the ErrorWindowListener.
setException(Exception) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.framework.RunnableObject
Set the runnable run() method exception.
setExecutionMode(short) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Set the execution mode.
setExecutionMode(short) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Set the execution mode.
setExecutionMode(short) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptProxy
Set the execution mode.
setExecutionMode(short) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Set the execution mode.
setExecutionMode(short) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Set the execution mode.
setExpression(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.Breakpoint
Set the debug expression for the breakpoint.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.ExprNOT
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.ParsedEquation
setExpression(Expression) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.expr.UnaryExpression
setExpression1(Expression) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractAryExpression
setExpression1(Expression) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AryExpression
Set the first expression.
setExpression2(Expression) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractAryExpression
setExpression2(Expression) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AryExpression
Set the second expression.
setFileName(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptException
Set the exception file name.
setFirstLine(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Set the first line.
setFirstLine(int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Set the first line.
setFirstLine(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.SourceModel
Set the first effective line of the script, after the import declarations.
setImportLines(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.parser.SourceParser
Set the number of import lines.
setLastLine(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Set the last line of the block.
setLastLine(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.Block
Set the last line of the block.
setLastLine(int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Set the last line of the parent.
setLine(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.Var
Set the line.
setLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptContext
Set the associated ScriptLogger.
setLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptContext
Set the associated ScriptLogger.
setMaximumLines(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ScriptErrorLoggerArea
Set the maximum lines of the area, if the area number of rows is limited.
setMaximumLines(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
Set the maximum number of lines to be shown in the panel.
setMaximumLinesBehavior(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ScriptErrorLoggerArea
Set if the area number of lines is limited.
setMaximumLinesBehavior(boolean) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
Set if the maximum lines will be shown in the panel or not.
setMethod(Method) - Method in class org.scripthelper.groovy.debug.parser.MethodState
setModel(TreeTableModel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.JTreeTable
setName(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractValue
setNoMethodDeclared() - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptContent
setOffset(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.parser.SourceParser
Set the offset.
setOptimizationLevel(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Set the optimization level.
setOptimizationLevel(String) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Set the optimization level.
setParent(Component) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ScriptErrorLoggerArea
Set the logger area parent component, with a default number of rows for the area.
setParent(Component, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.ScriptErrorLoggerArea
Set the logger area parent component, and define the initial number of rows in the area.
setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Dimension) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
This method allows to set the preferred viewport scrolling size.
setProgress(float) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptContext
Set the value of the script progression.
setProgress(float) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Set the value of the script progression.
setProgress(float) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Set the value of the progress bar.
setProgress(float) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Set the value of the progress bar.
setReturnLine(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.AbstractParent
Set the return line of the block.
setReturnLine(int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.model.Parent
Set the return line of the parent.
setRoot(Expression) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.AbstractExpression
Set the root expression.
setScript(ScriptWrapper<S>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptException
Set the script wrapper.
setScript(ScriptWrapper<S>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptException
Set the script wrapper.
setScriptable(JSScriptable) - Method in class org.scripthelper.js.JSScriptWrapper
Set a scriptable allowing to define built-in function properties that can be called in the Javascript script.
setScriptContent(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.model.SourceModel
Set the script content.
setScriptContent(String) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptSource
Return the String content of the source.
setScriptContext(ScriptContext) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Set the script context.
setScriptContext(ScriptContext) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Set the script context.
setScriptContext(ScriptContext) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Set the script context.
setScriptLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptExceptionListener
Set the script logger.
setScriptLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptExceptionListener
Set the script logger.
setScriptLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Set the script logger.
setScriptLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Set the script logger.
setScriptLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Set the script logger.
setScriptLogger(ScriptLogger) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Set the script logger.
setScriptProxy(ScriptProxy<S>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Set the ScriptProxy.
setScriptSource(ScriptSource) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptContext
Set the Script source.
setScriptSource(ScriptSource) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptContext
Set the Script source.
setScriptWrapper(ScriptWrapper<?>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.context.DefaultScriptContext
Set the script wrapper.
setScriptWrapper(ScriptWrapper<?>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptContext
Set the script wrapper.
setSession(DebugSession<S>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.AbstractDebugInstrumentor
Set the debug session.
setSession(DebugSession<S>) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.DebugInstrumentor
Set the debug session.
setSessionHook(SessionHook<S>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Set the session hook.
setSourceModel(SourceModel) - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptContent
setState(short) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Set the session state.
setStdLibPath(File) - Static method in class org.scripthelper.ruby.RubyScriptWrapper
Set the stdlib path.
setTab(int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptContext
Set the current value for of the tab for the text.
setTab(int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.context.ScriptLogger
Set the current value for of the tab for the text.
setTab(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.AbstractSwingScriptLogger
Set the current value for of the tab for the text.
setTab(int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.DefaultSwingScriptLoggerArea
Set the current value for of the tab for the text.
setTabSize(int) - Static method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
setup(JSScriptable) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.js.ScriptableExecutor
Setup the executor.
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.TreeTableModel
Sets the value for node node, at column number column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.treetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
setVariables(List<Variable>) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.ParsedEquation
SimpleCharStream - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
SimpleCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
source - Variable in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
The script source.
SourceModel - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.model
The source model models the source of a script.
SourceModel(String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.model.SourceModel
SourceParser - Class in org.scripthelper.debug.parser
The source parser interface.
SourceParser() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.parser.SourceParser
specialToken - Variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
stackTrace - Variable in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptException
The StackTrace.
start(S, Object...) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.SessionHook
Fired when the script is started.
start(S) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.SessionHook
Fired when the script is started without arguments.
startMethod() - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.AbstractScriptWrapper
Start a script method.
startMethod() - Method in interface org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapper
Start a script method.
startMethod() - Method in class org.scripthelper.model.ScriptWrapperCombiner
Start a script method.
startScript() - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
This method must be called when starting the script.
startScript(Object...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
This method must be called when starting the script.
startSession() - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Start a debug session.
state - Variable in class org.scripthelper.exceptions.AbstractScriptExceptionListener
The state of the listener since the last execution.
STATE_ABORTED - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptExceptionListener
The state for aborted scripts.
STATE_CONTINUE - Static variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
The continue state.
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptExceptionListener
The state for scripts which encountered an error.
STATE_OK - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.exceptions.ScriptExceptionListener
The state for scripts for which the execution has performed correctly (or script which have not run yet).
STATE_STEP - Static variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
The step state.
staticFlag - Static variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.SimpleCharStream
Whether parser is static.
STEP - Static variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugEvent
A step event.
step(DebugSession<?>, Step) - Method in interface org.scripthelper.debug.DebugListener
Apply a step.
step(Object...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugSession
Fired when entering a debug step.
step(DebugSession<?>, Step) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.DefaultDebugListener
Apply a step.
Step - Class in org.scripthelper.debug
Represents a debugging step.
Step(Step) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.Step
Step(int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.debug.Step
step(DebugSession<?>, Step) - Method in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Apply a step.
step - Variable in class org.scripthelper.swing.script.PropertySetter.Property
The property step.
STEP_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
The key for the step tooltip.
STOP - Static variable in class org.scripthelper.debug.DebugEvent
A stop event.
stop(Object...) - Method in class org.scripthelper.debug.Step
Stop at the step line.
StringProperty(String) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.script.ScriptPropertyDialog.StringProperty
StylableSizableArea - Class in org.scripthelper.swing
A stylable text area whose preferred scrollable size can be forced to any value.
StylableSizableArea(int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
Create a new SizableArea.
StylableSizableArea(int, Font) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
StylableSizableArea(int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
StylableSizableArea(int, int, Font) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.StylableSizableArea
SUB - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.EquationParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
SWING - Static variable in interface org.scripthelper.js.framework.GraphicFramework
This value represent an execution in the Swing Event Thread.
SwingDebugScriptWindow - Class in org.scripthelper.swing.debug
A Swing debug script window.
SwingDebugScriptWindow() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Constructor with a default title and size.
SwingDebugScriptWindow(int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
Constructor with a default title.
SwingDebugScriptWindow(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.debug.SwingDebugScriptWindow
SwingExceptionListener - Class in org.scripthelper.swing
A listener which shows a popup window when an exception is encountered.
SwingExceptionListener() - Constructor for class org.scripthelper.swing.SwingExceptionListener
SwingScriptLogger - Interface in org.scripthelper.swing
The ScriptLogger interface for Swing components.
SwitchTo(int) - Static method in class org.scripthelper.debug.expr.parser.EquationParserTokenManager
Switch to specified lex state.
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